If that doesn't work, try: M-x upcase-word To make all the letters in a word uppercase, position your cursor
(For informationĪRCHIVED: In Emacs, how do I set the mark?) Once you have set the mark, position the cursorĪt the end of the region you want to capitalize and enter: M-x capitalize-region Making words and regions all uppercase The region you wish to capitalize and set a mark. To capitalize all the words in a region, position your cursor before (If you aren't sure how to enter these commands in Emacs, see Note: If you or your system administrators haveĬhanged the standard Emacs key bindings, the commandĪbove might not work. In Emacs, to capitalize a word, position your cursor directly Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable. This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University.